According to recent statistics, trampolines cause hundreds of thousands of injuries in the U.S. every year. Most of these incidents occur on home trampolines and result in sprains, scrapes, and fractures. But the equipment at jump parks poses a heightened risk for severe injuries. These facilities often have multiple large trampolines and allow dozens of people to jump together. Falls and collisions with other jumpers can and do happen, and trampoline park injury victims have been paralyzed, sustained permanent head trauma, and even died.

Jump Park dangers aren’t limited to the U.S. A Yorkshire, England woman claims she shattered her foot during a family outing to Point Zero Trampoline Park in 2019. She was allegedly bouncing between two trampolines when her right ankle nearly tore from her body, causing severe pain and bleeding. Orthopedic surgeons purportedly determined that every joint and ligament in the ankle had been destroyed and advised amputation.

Thanks to a lengthy surgery and months of physical therapy, she was able to keep her foot. But she reports continued pain as she adjusts to a life where she can no longer run, walk, or stand for extended periods due to the damage in her ankle. Doctors have instructed her to use a cane during outings, and the formerly active mother now claims that she and her young children are experiencing intense anxiety and emotional trauma as a result of the accident.

Unfortunately, she does not anticipate being able to pursue legal action against Point Zero Trampoline Park because she apparently signed a waiver releasing the park from liability. While trampoline parks in the U.S. also employ waivers, there are some jurisdictions where damages can be claimed even if a waiver has been signed. Every case is unique – it all depends on the specifics of the injury, and where and how it occurred.